Sunflower – “sunny flower”, was cultivated by the ancient Indians. This flower was worshiped as a deity, and its seeds were collected and carefully stored. Europeans, having become acquainted with this culture, did not immediately understand its purpose.
What is interesting about ginseng?
At the word “ginseng”, the phrase “miraculous root” pops up in my head. Or the “magic gift of nature.” Something like that. And there is some truth to this.
Prickly pear seed oil is one of the more indulgent, luxurious fixed oils one can find on the market. This opulent oil comes from Opuntia ficus-indicaand can be found in many high-end, natural skin care lines.
What is argan oil useful for?
Prickly argania (Latin: Argania spinosa) from the Sapotov family grows only in southwestern Morocco. A tree with thorny branches, reaching 8-10 m in height and living 150-200 years.
What is useful tea from dandelion roots?
People have known about the healing properties of dandelion since ancient times. And although this plant is considered weedy, it is able to strengthen the health status of all family members from small to large.
All About the Lime Tree
Limes are sometimes taken for granted because they’re so easily and cheaply found in supermarkets across the United States. The benefits of this little citrus fruit should not be overlooked, however.
What is aspen … fat for?
In the second half of the twentieth century, people began to more actively and actively turn to secondary resources. Fast-growing economies required more and more resources. Now, in addition to ordinary wood, bark, sawdust, shavings and other forest material, previously classified as garbage, have often been used. And observant citizens drew attention to one important …
What are the benefits of olive oil
Olive oil is rich in oleic acid, which contributes to the optimal flow of metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Its constituent omega-9 fatty acids have an anticarcinogenic effect, help lower blood pressure, normalize blood cholesterol, and are useful for the prevention of diabetes and obesity. Linoleic acid, which is rich in olive …
What is useful and dangerous than medlar?
Medlar is becoming more popular today. This amazing fruit is tasty, healthy and very unusual. This article will devote to the study of its benefits and harms.
Vibrational Aromatherapy: Individual Essential Oils
Jasmine Jasmine, more than any other oil, speaks to us for the unity of apparent opposites. Renowned for thousands of years as a powerful aphrodisiac, Jasmine is an equally potent aid to spiritual development.