
What is useful and dangerous than medlar?

Medlar is becoming more popular today. This amazing fruit is tasty, healthy and very unusual. This article will devote to the study of its benefits and harms.

The medlar contains:

thiamine; vitamin A; niacin; folic acid; vitamin C; riboflavin; calcium; iron; magnesium; selenium; sodium.

A lot of medlar and amino acids.

eat who is on a diet, nutritionists recommend buying this exotic fruit. Why? 100 grams of medlar contains only 47 kcal

In China, which is the birthplace of medlar, the Chinese syrup “Pei Pa Koa” is made from its fruits. With its help, cough and asthma are treated. The effectiveness of this therapeutic product has been proven by clinical studies conducted by Chinese scientists.

In America, medlar is considered not only as a healthy product. She is considered there as a tree that can decorate any landscape design. It has a beautiful crown shape, large leaves and a short trunk.

A brief list of the beneficial properties of medlar looks like this. Fruit:

normalize lipid metabolism; save from diarrhea; normalize lipid balance; normalize the work of the kidneys and bladder; normalize the central nervous system; improve memory; lower blood sugar; contribute to the stimulation of biochemical processes due to the saturation of amino acids.

Medlar is rich in fiber, which works against constipation. Pregnant women, eating fruits, get a vitamin cocktail, very useful for a growing fetus.

But you should know that fruits can cause an allergic reaction, accompanied by intoxication. To reduce the risk of allergies, doctors recommend that the medlar be heat treated.

Medlar is an excellent choice for those who care about beauty and a beautiful figure.

The use of medlar allows you to replenish the body with the missing minerals and vitamins. With their help, free radicals are destroyed, the restoration of the skin is stimulated.

Adding fruit to cosmetic products helps eliminate skin diseases. Given the low calorie content of the fruit, nutritionists recommend that patients suffering from obesity use it on fasting days.

Unripe fruits of medlar are dangerous to health:

immature fruits contain a large amount of cyanide and amygdalin, which can poison young children and cause allergies; high sugar content (10%) in fruits is harmful for diabetics; a high content of eriobotria causes a diuretic effect, dangerous with urolithiasis; with increased acidity of the stomach, medlar will lead to gastritis.

Now you know everything about the benefits and harms of medlar and you can understand whether or not to buy the described fruits. But remember that it is advisable to buy only ripe medlar.