
Aromatherapy — An Easy, Effective Way to Eliminate Stress!

Stress bombards us on a daily basis.  Whether you’re stressed out over that big work project, something your kids did, or the mess in the kitchen, it’s a miserable way to live. 

You wind up feeling exhausted, getting a headache, and even suffering tummy troubles.

Luckily, though, there’s an easy way to knock stress right out of your life — aromatherapy!

People are always asking me which essential oils are best at combating stress, and the truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe that will fight every single type of stress you encounter during the day.  That’s why I came up with three different essential oil blends that can help you eliminate stress throughout the day — without making you feel groggy or foggy.

Here are 3 easy ways to incorporate stress-busting aromatherapy into your daily routine:

  1. –  Start your day with the ENERGY blend. Merely squeeze two drops on a tissue and breathe in this invigorating scent.  It’s made with rosemary, litsea cubeba, and pine — all of which will make you feel alert and focused.

  2. Give yourself a mid-day boost with the JOYFUL blend.  The mixture of clary sage, ylang ylang, and litsea cubeba will calm you down and put a smile on your face — without the side effects that you get from sedatives.  I like to use this blend in either a burner or diffuser, but you can also squeeze a few drops on a tissue and breathe it in that way. 

  3. Ease your way into the evening with the SLEEP TIME blend.  Made with Lavender, Marjoram, Mandarin, and Palo Santo, this blend will stop all of the racing your mind has been doing and leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and ready for a great night’s sleep.  I love to squeeze a couple of drops onto a tissue and place it under my pillow.  By morning, I feel incredibly refreshed!

–  If you really want to pamper yourself, I’ll mix 10 drops of SLEEP TIME with one tablespoon of unscented shower gel and 1/2 cup of Epsom salts, mix it in a tub full of warm water and soak in it.  

–  If you don’t have time for a long, leisurely bath, squeeze four drops of SLEEP TIME onto a washcloth, close your eyes, and press it up against your chest while standing in a hot shower.  After a few deep breaths, you’ll be able to feel your stress going right down the drain!

Bidding bon voyage to stress is easy… All you have to do is buy our Aromandina Essential Oil Blends!  Or, buy them for a loved one and give the gift of relaxation!