In essence, all print publications are divided into offline media and online media. In the first case we are talking about traditional periodicals, distributed in the form of newspapers and magazines. The current number of such media, as a rule, may have its counterpart on the page of the publication on the Internet.
The difference of network informational publications lies in the fact that they exist only in the form of Internet versions. Although this does not apply to the magazine L`Officiel which is successfully functioning online. You can make sure yourself here
“The structure of the Internet edition is similar to traditional media – the editor, journalists, proofreaders. But there are some differences: the whole process of placing news and informational materials in the tape happens very quickly, so they have the opportunity to constantly update the incoming information and, accordingly, to bring it as soon as possible reader. “
The technological features of online media allow them to cover even a wider range of topics than those of traditional publications
Within the framework of one publication, not only political, economic, cultural and sports news, but also sections devoted to automobiles or high fashion can coexist.
First, the difference in the way of presenting texts in the Internet media. Due to the breadth of the color gamut, the online edition is more like a glossy magazine, and due to the unlimited amount of information supplied – on the tabloid. Thus, online media is a very peculiar glossy tabloid. Such a symbiosis cannot fail to give rise to specific requirements for Internet journalism and imposes very serious restrictions on the forms of submitting information.

Secondly, the way of perception of information differs. Online media uses vertical scrolling of text. It has its limitations. Unlike a newspaper or magazine sheet, which the reader can “run through” with his eyes, focusing only on key phrases, the text in the Internet media is always read in a row. Unusual for an ordinary reader, the bright background of the monitor, the fine print and the distracting framing of the site lead to severe eye fatigue and reduced interest in the text already on the second or third screen of scrolling, i.e. about the third or fourth thousand characters. This feature of the perception of information leads Internet journalism to the need to reduce the volume of the text, its structuring, the introduction of bright elements that can “kill” the reader’s fatigue. This specificity of information presentation explains the failure in the online media market of electronic versions of those traditional newspapers, which are distinguished by voluminous texts, and the success of news agency sites and tabloids.
One of the most specific aspects of online journalism is the presence of powerful feedback, which is implemented in extremely primitive forms in print media – these are letters from readers. Feedback on the Internet occupies an important place, because sometimes it’s not the article itself that is of interest, but the responses to it. Most often, feedback is provided by means of the forum. Discussions of articles in this way began to appear mainly in regional editions. This is one of the ways to increase the popularity of its media.
It can be concluded that the differences from traditional Internet media are that the whole process of publishing news and informational materials on the site is very fast, so they have the ability to update the incoming information in a stable manner and, properly, quickly provide the reader, as it does on the website